Men Have Hormones, too!
Mental and physical fatigue, depression, anxiety, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, apathy, loss of confidence, loss of muscle mass, increased belly fat, memory lapses…the symptoms of low testosterone are long. In 2006 the University of Florida identified the prevalence of low testosterone in American males over age 45 to be 39 % – an estimated 13.8 million men. Studies show that low testosterone in men has been associated with a significant increase in metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, heart disease, and cancer.
Whether it’s for quality of life or for optimal health and prevention – you deserve a rational, science based approach to hormonal balance. There is never one magic therapy that will cure everything that ails you. Testosterone therapy will only be effective if you employ appropriate lifestyle choices and when we bring it into balance with other major hormones.
Hormones and the role they play in the male body
DHEA (dehydroepiandosterone) – this is an adrenal hormone that is commonly low due to chronic stress and aging. Low DHEA has been associated with heart disease and macular degeneration. It promotes weight loss and helps to maintain and repair muscle, nerves, and bone. It is important in your response to stress and supports your immune system. It improves brain function and your sense of well being and libido.
Cortisol– An adrenal hormone that is important in weight control and blood sugar balance. It is important to our immune response and is a natural anti-inflammatory. It affects your mood and quality of sleep. Cortisol has to be in balance for your thyroid hormones to be effective. It has an effect on energy, muscle strength, and bone density and has a major role in the aging process.
Estradiol– Yes, men have estrogen too. This hormone tends to trend upward in men with low testosterone – essentially feminizing you. When estradiol is in balance it has a positive effect on libido. The ideal way to lower estradiol is through a systematic program of nutrition and exercise that we will provide.
Progesterone– we also typically associate this hormone with women, however it has a role in men – particularly in balance with estradiol and prostatic health.
Dihydrotestosterone– this hormone is 10 times more potent than testosterone. It is made from testosterone and must be monitored so that it doesn’t cause side effects such as prostate symptoms and hair loss.
Thyroid- problems with the thyroid are very common. As many as 25% of people above the age of 65 have low thyroid hormone but the problem can manifest itself at an early age. The thyroid has a primary role in setting your metabolic rate and literally effects every cell, organ, and function of your body. It influences your energy, intellect, heart, digestion, mood, and libido. I am very aggressive in the diagnosis and therapy of thyroid disorders and treat with natural thyroid replacement.